Our Vision and Our Mission Statement
God is LOVE! He loves you, and we do too!
Many years ago, a man of God spoke these "prophetic words" over Pastor Joel:
- God said.... "Feed My little sparrows, and I will send the eagles and ravens to meet all your needs!
- This has been the foundation for our "mission statement" ...our calling! God has proven Himself true in this
promise many times over!
- The word "Oasis" means, "Well Spring, - watering place, - place of rest, refreshing - by extension an
infilling of all the Fruit of the Holy Spirit." We are to provide Salvation, Healing, Life, Joy,
Deliverance, Hope and equipping of the Saints for the work of the ministry.
our CHURCH IS ALSO TO BE CALLED A "HOUSE OF PRAYER"....TO RADICALLY intercede for our children, our City, our Nation and Israel....for God's Kingdom to be manifest in the whole world!!!!
- Oasis Church has ALSO been compelled by our Heavenly Father to PROVIDE a platform and training ground......
for His saints to have a place to flow in their gifts and ministry callings. (have the freedom of
expression for growth.)
- Our main emphasis is to be on "The Father Heart of God" as demonstrated in the Life of our
Lord Jesus Christ.
- Oasis is a "Renewal Church", seeking Revival. We strive to move in Love, Power and miracles of the Holy Spirit. We encourage each Christian to have their own “encounter” with the Holy Spirit, Power and miracles of the Holy Spirit. We encourage each Christian to have their own “encounter” with the Holy Spirit, and to walk in constant communion with Him, as... “God with us”
* Love is the Greatest Gift and the Greatest Commandment.
* Love our Father, with all our being.
* Love our neighbors, as ourselves.
- We are to walk in Holiness, Righteousness and Victory, according to the Holy Bible. Sin, satan and
selfishness are our enemies
- We know that Judgment and Mercy met at the Cross of Christ. God's Mercy triumphed over
- God's Word is true. We must study the Bible and understand the "Full Counsel" of God
May God Bless You Richly,
Pastors Joel and Georgia Pappas
Associate Pastors and Staff